Underappreciated Authors

of recommendations of underappreciated authors.

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Lyda Morehouse

Philip K. Dick

Robert Benchley
Margaret Halsey
Lucia St. Clair Robson
Patrick McManus
*Junichiro Tanazaki (not in the library catalogue)

Kelley Armstrong

Parke Godwin

George Alec Effinger
Andy Fox
James Tiptree Jr.
John Varley
Cordwainer Smith
C.M. Kornbluth
Leonard Cohen

John Crowley
Pat Murphy's The Falling Woman
Louis Shiner
Lisa Goldstein
Mike Resnick
Sharyn Mccrumb, her two early satire novels

Carol O'Connell
Scott Westerfeld 

judith merkle riley
Joanne Bertin

Elizabeth Hand

Nicholas Christopher

K.W. Jeter

Eliot Pattison

Phil Rickman

Carole Nelson Douglas (have read, page will be up soon)

Mardi Oakley Medawar

Poppy Z. Brite

Neil Gaiman (waiting to be convinced that he's underappreciated)

Dawn Powell

Ernest Bramah

B. Traven

Edward Bellamy

Cyril Kornbluth
Philip Wylie
Barry Malzberg
Edsger Dijkstra
Kobo Abe
Joanna Russ
Richard Brautigan

Theodore Sturgeon

Ngaio Marsh

Charlotte Armstrong

Damon Knight

Clifford D. Simak

Henry Kuttner

C. L. Moore

Hal Clement

Barry Hughart



I will accept any suggestion. However, if it's someone like Philip K. Dick  you have to convince me. That's what the person who suggested him did. Convince me that a fairly well known author is underappreciated and I will check it out.

want me to get to an author faster? buy me a book!

If an author is not on the wishlist it is because I couldn't find their listing on amazon. If you find a listing that I was not able to find, let me know and I'll fix it :)

They may not be A-list authors, but they are still some of the best.